25 May, 2021

Webinar: Azure Security Center by Fábio Vítor


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information security

Join the webinar "Levering event logs ingestion with automation and data visualization" on June 1.

In a digital information universe, information security is imperative to keep any organization protected against potential threats. But how is the data protected against exploits?


Detecting anomalous and potentially dangerous behavior, through analysis and monitoring, is the key to ensuring the confidentiality of corporate information. This way, coupled with regular review of the results, you can ensure protection on all fronts.


Join us in this Webinar and discover the power of Azure Security Center to strengthen the security of Datacenters.


On June 1, at 10am, learn how to use Azure Monitor's Log Analytics workspace with Fábio Vítor, Workplace & Security Architect at ARMIS.


Sign up here.


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