11 Jul, 2024



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This is the fourth consecutive year that ARMIS and OZONO have been awarded COTEC INNOVATOR Status by COTEC Portugal.

This status publicly recognizes Portuguese companies that stand out in the fields of innovation and notoriety, demonstrating that it is possible to combine robust financial strength, investment in innovation and the quality of capital and management culture. These are essential components for increasing competitive potential and economic results.


COTEC Portugal, the Association for Innovation, is the main Portuguese business association for promoting innovation and business technology cooperation. COTEC Portugal's universe includes multinational companies, large national groups and SMEs in various sectors of activity.


The result of a collaboration between institutions in the financial sector and COTEC Portugal, the COTEC INOVADORA Statute aims to distinguish companies with superior performance by recognizing their example, raising their profile and reinforcing their value in the market.


In this fourth edition, 1480 companies applied and more than 1000 Statutes were awarded, according to the demanding criteria defined by the rating provided for in the COTEC INOVADORA regulations.


The INOVADORA Statute is a mark that reinforces the reputation and prestige of companies. ARMIS - SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO, OZN Technology and ARMISDS Digital Sport are therefore proud to be three of the Portuguese companies recognized in yet another COTEC INOVADORA statute.

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