06 Oct, 2021

ARMIS participates in the 1st edition of the Mentor4Good Program


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We join efforts to transform the lives of young university students in Portugal

Last week, the 1st edition of Stand4Good, a project of Mentor4Good, ended successfully. The program that serves students from the University of Porto granting them mentorship and scholarship, has as main objective to support these students in the acquisition of essential skills for their academic and professional success.


During the academic year 2021, ARMIS as a founding partner of Stand4good joined other companies to participate in the Mentor4Good program that aims to support students who could count on the mentoring of professionals who are a reference in the market.


For Nuno Antunes, CEO of ARMIS, this was a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and innovation.


The Stand4Good initiative was born in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, with the goal of bringing more educational equity to young college students in economic need and in this 1st edition has already supported 20 students in their research and university projects.


It is with great pride that ARMIS acts effectively to build a better society for the next generations. Together we can build the future!

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