31 May, 2017

New regulation to the information of multimodal transports


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New regulation to the information of multimodal transports

The European Commission published, on 31st May, a new complement to the implementation of the ITS Directive.

The European Commission is taking measures to a fundamental modernization of the European mobility and transports. In this regard, it published, on 31st May, the most recent complement of the Directive 2010/40/UE, regarding the provision of services of multimodal information of transports.


The long-term benefits of these measures will go beyond the transports sector, promoting growth and employment creation, reinforcing social justice, widening customers’ choices and placing Europe in the path of zero emissions.


A series of 8 legislative initiatives will be aiming specifically towards the road transport. This sector is particularly important since it employs directly 5 million Europeans, contributing for almost a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions of EU. The proposals will improve the functioning of the road transport market and will help to improve both social and employment conditions of employees. This will be done by intensifying the execution, fighting against the illegal employment practices, reducing administrative burdens to the companies and increasing the clarity of existent rules, for instance, concerning the application of national laws of the minimum wage.


The Commission also intends to promote continued mobility solutions, in order that citizens and companies may easily travel across Europe. For instance, the interoperability among tool systems will allow road users to drive across EU, without having to be concerned about different administrative formalities. The common specifications to public transport data will also allow passengers to plan their journey better and follow the best route, even if they cross a border. This first batch of 8 proposals will be complemented in the next 12 months by other proposals, including patterns of emissions post-2020 to vans and cars, as well as the first emission norms to heavy vehicles. These proposals will boost innovation even more, improving competitiveness, reducing CO2 emissions, improving air quality and public health and increasing transport safety. The investment in infrastructures in the framework of Investment’ Plan to Europe provides a powerful stimulus to the placement of a clean and competitive European mobility, connected to the future. 



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